Hyundai Help for Kids

Hyundai Help for Kids Salisbury United would like to thank Hyundai for their Goals For Grassroots program and grant. Salisbury United received the winners prize made up of $1000 for winning the grant and and extra $1000 for every Adelaide United goal – making $4000 for the 3-1 win. Collecting the cheque at the A-League Grand Final were Brodie Jansen, Hamish McPherson and Thomas Dalwood, with Tania McPherson (MiniRoos Coordinator) and Tony Dalwood (Junior Coordinator).…

"Hyundai Help for Kids"

Annual General Meeting

The Salisbury United Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Salisbury United Clubrooms on Tuesday 13th October , commencing at 7:30pm SHARP. The club is seeking nominations for the positions of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and General Committee members. Please send nominations to or enquiries to Peter on 0421 897 873.

"Annual General Meeting"